Generic injection with roboguice

I am trying to inject instances using generics and I am getting the following error:

HasOne<ModelClass> cannot be used as a key; It is not fully specified.


I've read elsewhere that a safe way to do this is to explicitly specify the class to be used in a generic format when using an injector to get an instance, but I'd like to be a little cleaner. I am trying to create objects in Relationship

between Models


Here is my simplified Model


public class Model {

    Injector injector;

    public <ModelClass extends Model> HasOne<ModelClass> hasOne(Class<ModelClass> clazz) {

        HasOne<ModelClass> hasOne = injector.getInstance(Key.get(new TypeLiteral<HasOne<ModelClass>>() {


        return hasOne;


My relationship HasOne

public class HasOne<T extends Model> {

    Class clazz;

    public void init(Class<T> clazz){
        this.clazz = clazz;

    Injector injector;

    public T get(){

        return (T) injector.getInstance(clazz);


Test Model

# 1

public class TestModel extends Model {

    public HasOne<ExampleModel> exampleModel(){

        return hasOne(ExampleModel.class);


Test Model

# 2

public class ExampleModel extends Model {


I am getting error while doing this

    TestModel testModel = RoboGuice.getInjector(context).getInstance(TestModel.class);

    HasOne<ExampleModel> relationship = testModel.exampleModel();


I am trying to hide the ugly relationship creation and keep it in class Model


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1 answer

You cannot use new TypeLiteral<T>() { }

if T

is a type parameter, it must be a fully qualified type. Fortunately, since you have an instance Class<ModelClass>

, you can do this:

(Key<HasOne<ModelClass>>) Key.get(TypeLiteral.get(Types.newParameterizedType(HasOne.class, clazz)))


You will receive a throw warning, but it is safe to suppress it.



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