LINQ query fails while counting int

I have the following query that takes DataTable

and counts the number of times a value appears in a column countField


var countField = "class"
var query = from row in myDataTable.AsEnumerable()
            group row by row.Field<string>(countField)
            into sumry
            orderby sumry.Count() descending
            select new
                Text = sumry.Key,
                CountofRows = sumry.Count()


This works as expected if the column contains no decimal values. I am not familiar enough with linq

to know what needs to be changed so that it can count instances of the decimal value.

How can I make this statement more robust so that it works for any data type contained in the specified column?


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2 answers

You can just get the value using the indexer DataRow's

and convert it to string


var query = from row in myDataTable.AsEnumerable()
        group row by row[countField].ToString()
        into sumry
        orderby sumry.Count() descending
        select new
            Text = sumry.Key,
            CountofRows = sumry.Count()


This should work as expected for all types.



You can get the type of the column and use reflection to call Field<T>()

. (see this answer for calling common methods: / ... )

var columnType = myDataTable.Columns[countField].DataType;
var method = typeof(DataRowExtensions).GetMethod("Field", new Type[] { typeof(DataRow), typeof(string) });
var generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(columnType);

var query = from row in myDataTable.AsEnumerable()
            group row by generic.Invoke(null, new object[] { row, countField })
            into sumry
            orderby sumry.Count() descending
            select new
                Text = sumry.Key,
                CountOfRows = sumry.Count()




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