Why are $ stateParams available in resolution, but not DI service inside solution?

I am trying to set up a solution in a view to get some information about the user before the view is processed, because the data from the API will determine what view they see. I tried to put my service in a solution, but $stateParams

not installed when inside a service for some reason:

.state('order.sharepoint', {
    url: '/sharepoint',
    abstract: true,
    controller: 'SharePointController',
    resolve: {
        OrderResolve: function(Order, $stateParams){ // Here $stateParams
            return Order.fetch();                    //   is set correctly!


Ordering service

 app.factory('Order', function ($q, API, $stateParams) { // HERE $stateParams 
                                                         // is empty for some reason

    var Order = null;
    var service = {};

    service.fetch = function () {
       /// Here is my API call and everything



source to share

1 answer

Here is a plunger that answers this question: Angular and UI-Router, how to set dynamic urll pattern . There we see how to work with $stateParams

and factories


In general, a factory is created once . This is a singleton . The decision is made as many times as it is reached. (while the created factory has already been created ... its constructor wouldn't be the best place to reuse / reset )

This will be a factory def:

.factory('GetName', ['$http', '$timeout',
    function($http, $timeout) {
      return {
        get : function(id) {
          // let get data via $http
          return $http

              // simplified converter
              // taking the $http result and 
              // by id gets the name
              var converter = response.data;
              var name = converter[id];

              return {templateName : name}; 


As we can see, its constructor refers to services that can be used later, often inside a method. In this case: get(id)

And this is a standard call for it inside resolver

- or even in , as in this example. templateProvider

    .state('parent.child', {
      url: '/child/:someSwitch',
      views: {
        "page": {
          templateProvider: function($http, $stateParams, GetName) {

            // async service to get template name from DB
            return GetName
                // now we have a name
                   return $http
                      // let ask for a template
                          // haleluja... return template
                          return tpl.data;

          controller: 'viewCtrl',


This example should show what factory

a singleton can use IoC

to inject dependent services / factories. State related stuff that changes (i.e. NOT single) must be passed as factory

param ... Check it out here



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