Using Firebase (NoSQL) for Inventory is ACID or not?

I am a newbie programmer.

I want to get some experience using Firebase (Backend As A Service) which uses JSON to store data (I think they call this type of database document database).

But my Inventory app has 3 main pages which add item, inventory and sold item.

Can this be done using this type of database? is it still ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability)?

add product page will have {product name, date added, amount added}

The inventory page will have {product name, total amount, date added)

When I click the Add Item button on the Add Item page, how can I synchronize the data between the Add Items page and the Inventory page? (how to increase the total on the inventory page?) and will it be ACID? For example, when I click the Add Item button. the item is written on the add item page, and when the increment is almost done, the electricity fails and the result is the item on the add item page, but the increment does not happen because the electricity is off. which means that this transaction is no longer atomic.

How to solve this problem?


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