Javascript how "length" is implemented

You know that in Javascript you can access the text / array length with the length property:

var obj = ["Robert", "Smith", "John", "Mary", "Susan"];

// obj.length returns 5;


I want to know how this is implemented. Is Javascript calculating the length property when it is called? Or is it just a static property that changes whenever the array changes. My question is being asked due to the following confusion about best practices with javascript:

for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++)



My problem: If it is a static property, accessing the length property on each iteration doesn't matter, but if it is calculated for each iteration, then it costs a little memory.

I have read the following definition given by ECMAScript, but it does not provide any idea of ​​how it is implemented. I'm afraid this might give a whole array instance with length property computed at runtime, that if it is true then the above for()

is memory hazardous and the following should be used instead:

var count = obj.length;
for(var i = 0; i < count; i++)




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3 answers

An array in JavaScript is not a real array type, but it is a real object type.

[]. The length is not recalculated every time, it is controlled by operators ++

or --


Below is an example that behaves the same as a property array.length


var ArrayLike = {
    length: 0,
    push: function(val){
        this[this.length] = val;
    pop: function(){
        delete this[this.length-1];
    display: function(){
        for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++){

// output
ArrayLike.length // length == 0
ArrayLike.push('value1') // length == 1
ArrayLike.push('value2') // length == 2
ArrayLike.push('value3') // length == 3
ArrayLike.pop() // length == 2
ArrayLike.length === 2 // true




var a = ["abc","def"];

a["pqr"] = "hello";


What is a.length?




a.length is only updated when the array index is a numeric value. When you write

var a = ["abc","def"];


It is internally stored as:

a["0"] = "abc"

a["1"] = "def"


Note that indices are really keys, which are strings.

A few examples:


var a = ["abc","def"];

a["1001"] = "hello";


What is a.length?



2.) Ok, try again:

var a = ["abc","def"];

a[1001] = "hello";


What is a.length?



Note. The inner array is saved as

a["0"] = "abc"

a["1"] = "def"

a["1001"] = "hello"


3.) Ok, last one:

var a = ["abc"];

a["0"] = "hello";


What is [0]?



What is a.length?



It's good to know what a.length actually means: Well, now you know: a.length is more than the last numeric key present in the array.



I want to know how this is implemented. Is Javascript calculating the length property when it is called? Or is it just a static property that changes when the array changes.

Actually, your question cannot be answered at all, because all ECMA specifications say the following:

The length property of this Array object is a data property, the value is always numerically greater than the name of each property to remove whose name is an array index.

In other words, specifications define a property's invariance condition length

, but not its implementation. This means that different JavaScript engines can, in principle, implement different behavior.



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