although" key-type "is specified I'm trying to define a map bean since Spring...">

Spring 3.2.4 cannot convert String to Enum in <util: map ... / "> although" key-type "is specified

I'm trying to define a map bean since Spring 3.2.4 with Enum as the key type, in this way:

<util:map id="myMapping" key-type="com.acme.MyEnum">
    <entry key="ENUM1" value="value1" />
    <entry key="ENUM2" value="value2" />


The MyEnum class is a trivial class:

public enum MyEnum


When creating the application context, Spring will throw this exception:


  Error creating bean with name 'myMapping':

    Error converting typed String value for bean property 'sourceMap';
    nested exception is org.springframework.beans.ConversionNotSupportedException:

    Failed to convert value of type 'java.lang.String' to required type
    'com.acme.MyEnum'; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException:

      Cannot convert value of type [java.lang.String] to required type 
      [com.acme.MyEnum]: no matching editors or conversion strategy found


(formatted for better readability)

I expected Spring to convert the string "ENUM1" to "MyEmum.ENUM1" due to the given key type



in the bean declaration.

I know how to solve this by doing an alternate bean definition using <entry>

using the fully qualified name of the enum class, etc. But I would like to build the definition as described for readability.

Is this a known bug or misunderstanding on my side?

Many thanks for your help!


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2 answers

You can try using this strategy to convert strings.

public enum MyEnum




It actually seems to be correct how you are using utils-map, but there might be a problem elsewhere.

I don't know how you would inject the generated myMapping bean. If you are using @Autowired this is the possible reason why you are getting this exception. You should use @Resource(name="myMapping")

instead @Autowired

. Check out this ticket .

I have already tested it and it works. If you want to see how, I created a sample project and pushed to github. Follow this link .

Hope this helps.



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