Why another variable or a copy of a variable?

I have a simple program in Scala using Akka, and I have the following scenario: I have two different types of ordinary members ( FooActor

and BarActor

). FooActor

receives ActorRef

via a constructor that represents some actor to whom it FooActor

should deliver its response (original sender). This original sender is listed BarActor

. My question is, why does the other pass the local in the constructor sender

and pass in a local variable that was previously assigned a value sender

? Are they links or do they contain a link inside an obect? What's going on under the hood? Thank you. Here is the code:

import akka.actor._

case class foo(x: Int) // some dummy message to test

class FooActor(originalSender: ActorRef) extends Actor {
  println("[" + self.path + "] originalSender = " + originalSender) // print the sender

  override def receive = {
    // (...)
    case _ =>

class BarActor extends Actor {
  override def receive = {
    case foo(x) =>

      // variant 1: this prints deadLetters as the sender in the FooActor
      context.actorOf(Props(new FooActor(sender)), "foo" + x)

      // variant 2: this prints the original sender correctly 
      // val originalSender = sender 
      // context.actorOf(Props(new FooActor(originalSender)), "foo" + x)

    case _ =>

object Main {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val system = ActorSystem("my-system")

    val sender = system.actorOf(Props[BarActor], "sender") // this would be the original sender
    val bar = system.actorOf(Props[BarActor], "bar") // this is the intermediate actor, who passes the sender

    bar.tell(foo(1), sender)




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1 answer

The answer lies in the method signature Props.apply


def apply[T <: Actor: ClassTag](creator: ⇒ T): Props = ...


It takes a parameter by name. This, combined with the fact that sender()

inside the actor it is a method and not a val, leads you to a situation where it sender()

is called after a while (when evaluated creator

), where the actor no longer processes the original message, thus returning a reference to DeadLetters




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