A strategy for splitting a set to obtain the minimum sum of variances from subsets

The problem is this: I have a set of numbers and I need to divide it into k subsets. I have to find the best partitioning strategy to get the minimum amount of variance from each subset. The subset cannot be empty (Deviation is the square of the standard deviation.)

k is an integer greater than 0. The approximation can be 1e + 7

This is my solution so far, which works for some examples, but not always:

  • sort the pattern (set of numbers) in ascending order.
  • calculate the distance of two continuous elements. Build a list of lists, the sublist has left element index and distance (ie [[Idx, dist], [idx, dist] ......]). sort the list in descending order by distance.
  • use the indices on the list I have, get the indices from left to right to split the sort by ascending sort.

Python code:

class MinimumVariancePartition(object):
    def minDev(self, mixedSamples, k):
        # mixedSamples is a tuple, k is an integer.

        samples_ascending = sorted(mixedSamples)

        # Build a list of lists contains indices and distances.
        idx_dist = []
        for index in range(len(samples_ascending) - 1):
            starting_idx = index
            dist = abs(samples_ascending[index] - samples_ascending[index + 1])
            idx_dist.append([starting_idx, dist])

        sorted_idx_dist = sorted(idx_dist, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

        # Get a list of indices to split the sample.
        split_idx = []
        for i in range(k - 1):

        # Get a list of subsets.    
        partitions = []
        if len(split_idx) == 0:
            split_idx = sorted(split_idx)
            prev = 0
            for idx in split_idx:
                partitions.append(samples_ascending[prev:idx + 1])
                prev = idx + 1

        # Compute the sum of variances
        result = 0
        for partition in partitions:
            variance = self.variance(partition)
            result += variance
        return result

    def variance(self, partition):
        # Compute variance of a subset
        size = len(partition)
        s = sum(partition)
        mean = float(s) / size
        variance = 0
        for n in partition:
            temp = round(n - mean, 14)**2  # use round() to avoid float number 'trick'
            variance += temp
        variance /= size
        return variance


passed tests:

input: (3, 4, 7, 10), 1
output: 7.5

input: (1000,500,1,500), 3
output: 0.0

input: (42,234,10,1,123,545,436,453,74,85,34,999), 5
output: 1700.7397959183672


failed tests:

input: (197, 611, 410, 779, 203, 15, 727, 446, 992, 722, 439, 296, 201, 820, 416, 272, 89, 146, 687, 203, 598, 65, 865, 945, 446, 783, 581, 270, 960, 22, 970, 698, 456, 706, 14, 901, 371, 688, 914, 925, 551, 15, 326, 620, 842, 82, 594, 99, 827, 660), 21
expected output: 757.3225
actual output: 824.586388889

input: (359, 408, 124, 89, 26, 878, 677, 341, 166, 434, 886, 539, 227, 420, 655, 330, 835, 378, 763, 401, 883, 332, 215, 424, 365, 841, 113, 825, 777, 969, 970, 668, 602, 708, 874, 930, 423, 549, 236), 13
expected output: 1588.0486111111109
actual output: 2163.79166667

input: (706, 835, 160, 432, 148, 472, 26, 917, 736, 342, 442, 479, 95, 800, 956), 4
expected output: 8172.465
actual output: 11259.875


I think the problem in my solution might be determining the index of the partition index, but still don't know why it doesn't work.


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1 answer

It doesn't work because the idea of ​​your algorithm is wrong (splitting only by considering the distance between two adjacent elements does not always give the optimal solution).

Instead, you can use dynamic programming:
1. Sort the array.
2. Suppose f(first_free, sets_count)

is the minimum sum of variances if the item first_free

is the first item that has not yet been added to any set and the tags are accurately generated sets_count

3. Base unit f(0, 0) = 0

. It matches empty prefixes.
4. Transitions look like this:

for first_free = 0 ... n - 1:
    for new_first_free = first_free + 1 ... n:
        for sets_count = 0 ... k - 1:
            f(new_first_free, sets_count + 1) = min(f(new_first_free, sets_count + 1),
                f(first_free, sets_count) + variance of the subset [first_free, new_first_free - 1])


  1. Answer f(n, k)

    (where n

    is the number of elements in the set).

Here is my implementation (it can be optimized, it's just a sketch, but it works correctly):

a = [706, 835, 160, 432, 148, 472, 26, 917, 736, 342, 442, 479, 95, 800, 956]
k = 4
mem = dict()
INF = 1e10

def get_variance(partition):
    size = len(partition)
    s = sum(partition)
    mean = float(s) / size
    variance = 0
    for n in partition:
        temp = round(n - mean, 14) ** 2
        variance += temp
    variance /= size
    return variance

def calc(pos, cnt):
    if (pos, cnt) in mem.keys():
        return mem[(pos, cnt)]
    if pos == 0 and cnt >= 0:
        return 0.0
    if cnt < 0:
        return INF
    res = INF
    for old_pos in range(0, pos):
        res = min(res, calc(old_pos, cnt - 1) + get_variance(a[old_pos: pos]))
    mem[(pos, cnt)] = res
    return res

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(calc(len(a), k))




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