Creating an interface object in C #

I am learning to use entity framework (still I'm new to entity framework and C #),

While going through one of the tutorials, I came across the following piece of code:

 public class EntityF : IEntityWithChangeTracker,IEntityWithKey
        private IEntityChangeTracker changetracker;

        public void SetChangeTracker(IEntityChangeTracker changetracker)
            this.changetracker = changetracker;


Can I use a reference to another interface inside a class?

 private IEntityChangeTracker changetracker;


And the methods defined in the IEntityChangeTracker interface are not even implemented .

What might be the purpose of using an instance of the IEntityChangeTracker interface in this example.

So far (with hands-on learning C #) I've defined some skeletal methods in the interface, and the class that inherits from it has to provide an implementation for them. This is a classic example, but something different here. Can someone please let me know the purpose of defining such interfaces?


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1 answer

What could be the purpose of using an instance of the IEntityChangeTracker interface in the example here.

By adopting an interface instead of a concrete implementation, you create a de-link between both classes. This means that the calling code can pass any object that implements the above interface, rather than a specific concrete type. You tell the caller "you can pass any object that implements the above interface, I only care about the members / methods it declares"

This way you also open the door to Dependency Injection and allow the client to support the Chain Segregation Principle



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