Cause sentence expression problems

I am experimenting with F # and as such decided to use F # as a service layer for a new project. Now I am trying to map an entity to an F # type, but I am not getting anything! The problem seems to be in the proposal Select


In the example below, the IDataContext represents the entity structure unit for working with human DbSet

(defined in the project C#


interface IDataContext
     DbSet<Person> Persons { get; }


Method one

type Person = {
    Id: int
    Name: string

type PersonService(context: IDataContext)
    member this.GetPerson(personId) = 
        let person = context.Persons
                            .Where(fun p -> p.Id = personId)
                            .Select(fun p -> { Id = p.Id; Name = p.Name })


The problem that seems to come up here is that linq is complaining that a parameterless constructor is required. So I tried another way

type public Person() =
    [<DefaultValue>] val mutable Id : int
    [<DefaultValue>] val mutable Name : string

type PersonService(context: IDataContext)
    member this.GetPerson(personId) = 
        let person = context.Persons
                            .Where(fun p -> p.Id = personId)
                            .Select(fun p -> new Person(Id = p.Id, Name = p.Name))


and now i get

could not convert the following f# quotation to a linq expression tree


Do I need to convert fun

to an expression? I thought I F# 3.0

already did it?


For the last example I just tried Select(fun p -> new Person())

it and it works. So how does this initialize properties, bad? What would match C#

of fun p -> new Person(Id = p.Id, Name = p.Name)



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2 answers

If you want to use LINQ and asynchronous queries, you need a job as LINQ selection does not support writes and you need to use an asynchronous workflow :

type PersonService(context: IDataContext)
member this.GetPerson(personId) = 
    async {
        // get the actual context object
        let! person = Async.AwaitTask  
                                 .Where(fun p -> p.Id = personId)

        // map context object, if it not null
        if obj.ReferenceEquals(person, null)
            then return None
            else return Some ({ Id = person .Id; Name = person .Name })
    } |> Async.StartAsTask


It's worth noting that LINQ and query expressions can return null, you need to handle nulls at some point. I prefer to translate them into parameters as soon as possible. Also, I am converting an Async object to a hot task using Async.StartAsTask



To limit the size of the returned object, I think this will work (I don't have time right now to fully test this):

type PersonService(context: IDataContext) =
    member this.GetPerson(personId) = 
        async {
            // get the actual context object
            let! person = Async.AwaitTask
                           (query { for p in context.Persons do
                                    where (p.Id = personId)
                                    select (p.Id, p.Name)

            // map context object, if it not null
            if obj.ReferenceEquals(person, null)
                then return None
                else return person |> (fun (id, name) -> Some ({ Id = id; Name = name }))
        } |> Async.StartAsTask




Have you tried defining Person

like this, with properties instead of fields:

type Person() =
    member val Id = Unchecked.defaultof<int> with get, set    
    member val Name = Unchecked.defaultof<String> with get, set


You can use an F # query expression to query EF, for example:

let person =
    query {
        for p in context.Persons do
        where (p.Id = personId)
        select p }
    |> Seq.head


(You may have to play around with the above to get it to work, but that should be the gist of it.)



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