How do I make simple tabs / accordion remember tabs when back button is used?

We have basic response tabs for tuning an accordion:

// Based on:

// initialise when dom is ready
$(document).ready(function() {

  // initialise if .accordion is on the page
  if ($('.accordion')[0]) {

    // desktop initialisation
    if ($(window).width() > 736) {
      $('.accordion-content:not(:first)').hide(); // hide all but first tab content on larger viewports
      $('.accordion-title:first-child').addClass('active'); // activate first tab

    } else { // mobile initialisation
      $('.accordion-content').hide(); // hide all content items on narrow viewports

    // Click functions
    $('.accordion-title').on('click', function() {

      // desktop click
      if ($(window).width() > 736) {
        $('.accordion-content').hide(); // hide all content
        return false; // stop browser jumping when tabs clicked

        } else { // mobile click
          return false; // stop browser jumping when tabs clicked


We also use Snipcart, which appends #!/cart

to the end of any url if the cart is activated. And when the cart is closed, it leaves #!/

at the url.

How are we going to make tabs with a browser button and play well with Snipcart?


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