Multithreading in MVC 4

I am new to ASP.NET MVC (using 4) and have some basic questions regarding multithreading.

  • I have now written all the controllers. Should I explicitly create a thread poll and assign a thread to every incoming request? I read something suggesting that this multithreading is done automatically in MVC and I shouldn't be doing my own. It's true?

  • Most of the queries will modify the database (i.e. download the file). This post says is DbContext

    not thread safe and the selected answer is to create a new instance for every thread I made in my controller. Does this make it safe if MVC automatically creates threads (question # 1)?



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1 answer

1) You have nothing to worry about.

On a web server, the .NET Framework maintains a pool of threads that are used to serve ASP.NET requests. When a request arrives, a pooled thread is sent to process that request. If a request is being processed synchronously, the thread that processes the request is blocked while the request is being processed and that thread cannot serve another request.

From here:

2) You should be fine if you create DbContext

for every request - this is done in your controller constructor, do it for you. (You can also look into the control / dependency structure inversion structure if you want, but that doesn't change the principle.)



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