How to determine if a directive element is * not * clicked in Angular

I am trying to implement a "deselect" function for several directives like buttons and popovers. That is, I want my functions to run when the user clicks on an element that is not part of my directive template. I am currently using the following JQuery code:

  if($($('#directive1')).length == 0 ){
    //deselects first directive

  if($($('#directive2')).length == 0 ){
    //deselects second directive



Is there a better way to do this in angular?


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1 answer

A simple directive that detects a click outside the element (no jQuery):

app.directive('onDeselect', [ '$document', function($document) {

  return {
    scope: { onDeselect: '&' },
    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {

      var clickHandler = function(e) {

        // Check if the target is our element or it descendants
        var target =;
        while (target) {
          if (element[0] === target) return;
          target = target.parentElement;

        // trigger the function
        scope.$apply(function() {

      $document.on('click', clickHandler);

      // clean handler on destroy
      scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
        $'click', clickHandler);


Use it like this:

<div on-deselect="doSomething($event)"></div>




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