Web Api 2: NotFound () with content?

I have the following resource used to return specific company information:

public IHttpActionResult Get(Guid companyId)
    var company = CompanyRepository.Find(companyId);

    if (company == null)
        return NotFound();
        var responseModel = new CompanyResponseModel()
            CompanyId = company.Id,
            Name = company.Name

        return Ok(responseModel);


Why can't we include content in the challenge NotFound()


For example, I would like to include an error response model with the message "Company ID does not exist".

Perhaps it has something to do with RESTful design?


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1 answer

According to RFC2616 Section 10 , 404 does not return any information about the resource itself. But if you want to use 404, you can use this instead:

return Content(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Your Content/Message");




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