Intellij Idea + Scala + Xfatal-warnings

I am using SBT project inside IntelliJ Idea 14.

My build.sbt

contains the following parameters:

scalacOptions := Seq(
  , "-feature"
  , "-unchecked"
  , "-Xfatal-warnings"
  , "-Xlint"
  , "-Ywarn-numeric-widen"
  , "-Ywarn-value-discard"
  , "-Yno-adapted-args"
  , "-Ywarn-dead-code"


and when i build my project with sbt compile

i get what i want: warnings as errors etc.

However, when I build / rebuild the project in Idea, I don't even have a Messages window if my code doesn't compile.

When I go to the Scala compiler settings, I see all of these options imported correctly in the Additional Compiler Options field in Idea.

How do I get Idea and SBT to behave exactly the same?

UPDATE . It works in Idea 13 but not Idea 14


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