Umbraco 7: How do I update the tree structure in my custom partition?

I have created a dedicated section in umbraco to manage some data in a SQL database.

I can edit the items ok, but when adding, I need to refresh the page to see the new line in the custom tree on the left.

How can I trigger my custom tree to update using AngularJS? My tree is called "clients".

I tried to debug the code and look at the source to find this event, but I can't figure out how to do it.

Is there a way that I can call on in umbTreeDirective

some way? Or a subscription event?

I'm new to AngularJS and struggling a bit.


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1 answer

You are looking for navigationService .

This line is an example of calling syncTree:

navigationService.syncTree({ tree: 'clients', path: content.path, forceReload: false, activate: true });

Here's the contrived spaghetti promised, but a complete example:

.directive('nowplaying', ['navigationService', 'contentResource', 'contentEditingHelper', function (navigationService, contentResource, contentEditingHelper) {

                //spaghetti example to create new document
                contentResource.getScaffold(parentId, alias)
                .then(function (scaffold) {
                    var myDoc = scaffold;
           = name;

                    //we have minimum to publish
                    contentResource.publish(myDoc, true, [''])
                        .then(function (content) { 
                            $scope.newlyCreatedNode = content;  

                                //Sync ('refresh') the tree!
                                navigationService.syncTree({ tree: 'clients', path: content.path, forceReload: false, activate: true });



All Belle Documentation lives here . -I'm not sure if it is actively maintained, I can safely say that one or two signatures have changed since it was first published. This aside, this is the best resource I know to interact with all vulnerable umbraco modules and services.



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