Postgres Heroku no longer overwrites config / database.yml Rails 4.1.4 (and other questions)

I am very new to RoR and am having a hard time figuring out how to properly configure and use Heroku Postgres with my Rails 4.1.4 application. I am on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS.

I want to have local PostgreSQL databases for development and testing, and Heroku Postgres database for production.

Here's what I've done so far:

  • I am setting up PostgreSQL following the heroku official doc here
  • I installed the pg

  • I changed the file config/database.yml


    default: &default
      adapter: postgresql
      encoding: unicode
      pool: 5
      timeout: 5000
      username: franklin
      <<: *default
      database: myapp_development
      <<: *default
      database: myapp_test
      url: <%= ENV["DATABASE_URL"] %>

    I know from here that Heroku no longer overwrites config/database.yml

    for Rails 4.1.x apps and what should I (should?) Specify DATABASE_URL

    in the production record.

  • I ran rake db:create:all

    which created local dev and test bases and thenrake db:migrate

  • i git commit

    change and then push my app to Heroku withgit push heroku master

  • I ran heroku run rake db:migrate

    and got the following message: Running rake db:migrate attached to terminal... up, run.1227

    (I'm not sure what this means?)
  • Finally I ran heroku restart

Then, when I connect to my development database, I see the new table created by the command rake db:migrate

, as well as its new data (form view) that I intentionally created by running my application at localhost: 3000. I get the completely expected behavior.

But when I connect to my Heroku Postgres production database, the new table that the command should have created heroku run rake db:migrate

does not exist. And Heroku app doesn't crash when I add data to a non-existent table (form view).

Here are my questions:

  • Is my product input set up correctly config/database.yml

  • How do I properly migrate to my Heroku Postgres production database?
  • Where does the data from my Heroku app go if not in the table?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank!


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1 answer

You need to go to

Search for your application's database and you will find the matching keys for your database. You can load them as config variables and load them into yourdatabase.yml

Have a look at figaro for easy handling of your config variables.



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