Package size large

Is there a way to reduce the size of the ScoutMaps-iOS-SDK framework as the bundle size is so huge right now and the user probably won't download the app s> 100 MB.


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1 answer

For interested parties:

To minimize the size of the project, you can do the following: Test: Demo project unpacked - 173.883.119 bytes (195.7 MB on disk)

Things that can be removed for iOS: 1. Remove all audio messages but en_us from SKAdvisorResources.bundle (Note: you can post and upload audio files on demand) 2. Remove Sketchout and Skyscale style (if you don't use these powers) Demo project unpacked - 115.890.904 bytes (118.5 MB on disk) 3. Remove all other architectures but armv7 (there should be a slight performance limitation on arm64, but since you're excluding the whole set of architectures, the .ipa size should be significantly smaller) - this is the change will be visible in the final .ipa file

Things to remove for Android: On Android, you can repeat steps 1 and 2. As for architecture - if you have control over the Android devices you will be using, you can also remove unused libraries (by default we have / libs /armeabi/,/libs/armeabi-v7a/ and / libs / x86 /

This is what can be done at the moment to reduce the size, but we are still working on this improvement for the next versions.



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