Use IBM watson API with jquery $ .ajax

I look at the documentation for the watson API ( ) but there is no clear way to use the API with client-side js. I would like to use jquery's $ .AJAX function.

How do I authenticate my account to the API using jquery and send a question to it? Once I get the json API form, I can parse that, but how do I submit it?

This is how I might think about it, but I don't know where I am getting the authentication data from from BlueMix, and then where I am sending the request to receive JSON.

var questionJSON = {
    'question': {
        'evidenceRequest': {
            'items' : 1
        'questionText': question
    url: '' // url,
    dataType: 'json',
    method: 'PUT',
    beforeSend: function(xhr){
        //xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic '+btoa(accessToken+':'));
    success: function(answerJSON){
        // parse answerJSON



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3 answers

Please check out my IBM developerWorks tutorial on using the Watson Q&A service -

Ganesh relationship



I believe you may need to use similar logic as shown below:

function addUser(event)
url: '/users/adduser',,
dataType: 'json',
method: 'PUT',
beforeSend: function(xhr){
    //xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic '+btoa(accessToken+':'));
success: function(answerJSON){
    // parse answerJSON


/ * * POST to adduser. * /'/adduser', function(req, res) {
var db = req.db;

 db.collection('userlist').insert(req.body, function(err, result){
        (err === null) ? { msg: '' } : { msg: err }


you can follow the link below for more client side js information:



You are trying to do cross domain queries ( ). It's impossible.

The only way to call qa service from client side is with jsonp ( ). but this is not currently supported. I suggest you create an application in Bluemix and use it as a proxy between your code and the service.



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