Why can't the client dereference the pointer in this situation?

I understand that the client can manipulate the struct pointer in this situation, but cannot dereference it. I was wondering why exactly this is impossible to parse?



typedef struct Stack_T *Stack_T;

extern Stack_T stack_new(void);
extern int stack_empty( Stack_T p_stk );
extern void stack_push( Stack_T p_stk, void *p_data );
extern void *stack_pop( Stack_T p_stk );
extern void stack_free( Stack_T *p_stk );




#include "stack.h"

struct Stack_T {
    int node_count;
    struct node {
        void *p_data;
        struct elem *p_link;
    } *p_head;



#include "stack.h"

int main(void)
    Stack_T stk;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


To be more precise why this object cannot be dereferenced basically


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1 answer

I am assuming "client" means "source file that includes stack.h


This is because struct Stack_T

it is not actually defined in the file stack.h

. He stated that he typedef

will ensure that the compiler understands that it will be defined somewhere struct Stack_T

, but not yet.


is the only module that needs to know what is inside struct Stack_T

, so the structure definition is inside that file.

The clients of this code don't need to know what's inside struct Stack_T

, so they don't see the definition.



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