How do I programmatically change the icon of a Windows executable and Mac application?

When distributing standalone apps built on node-webkit or Atom Shell , we are really just distributing the framework binary, but with our app content in a subdirectory.

We can of course rename the executables to our app name, but can we also change the icon (preferably from the command line to automate the release workflow)?


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1 answer

There are command line solutions for this on Mac and Windows.


defaults write /full/path/to/Info.plist CFBundleIconFile 'app/img/my-icon.icns'



Winresourcer required

  winresourcer --operation=Update \
           --exeFile=path/to/my-exe.exe \
           --resourceType=Icongroup \
           --resourceName:1 \


To find resourceName

, use Anolis Resourcer to open the exe. The name is in the sidebar as a child Icon Directory

. In my case, it was simply called 1




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