Ruby: String to String comparison failed (ArgumentError)

Here is my ruby ​​code:

books = ["Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", "War and Peace", "Utopia", "A Brief History of Time", "A Wrinkle in Time"]

books.sort! {

  |firstBook, secondBook|
  boolean_value = firstBook <=> secondBook
  print "first book is =  '#{firstBook}'"
  print " , second book is = '#{secondBook}'"
  puts  " and there compare result is #{boolean_value}"




  • This code starts a single iteration and then gives an error in 'sort!': comparison of String with String failed (ArgumentError)

  • When firstbook = "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" then the secondBook should be "War and Peace" , but he chooses "Utopia" for comparison, Why?

source to share

1 answer

Make sure you return the comparison result from the block you passed to sort!


You are currently returning nil

(the return value of the last operator, puts

), which leads to unpredictable results.

Change your code to:

books = ["Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", "War and Peace", "Utopia", "A Brief History of Time", "A Wrinkle in Time"]

books.sort! {

  |firstBook, secondBook|
  boolean_value = firstBook <=> secondBook
  print "first book is =  '#{firstBook}'"
  print " , second book is = '#{secondBook}'"
  puts  " and there compare result is #{boolean_value}"

  boolean_value  # <--- this line has been added


and everything will work.

Offtopic, multiple nitpicks:

  • in Ruby, the convention is to separate underscore words in variable names. For example, you should rename firstBook


  • you must be very careful when renaming variables. The variable boolean_value

    here is a little misleading because it is not true

    either false

    , her -1

    , 0

    or 1



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