Best way to split an array in java into smaller arrays?

What's the best way to split an array in a java method into smaller arrays? I want that in any array of sizetakeReceipts(String[])

//Can handle any size array  
public void takeReceipts(String[] receipts){
//split array into smaller arrays, and then call handleReceipts(String[]) for every smaller array

//This method can only handle arrays with the size of 5 or less
private void handleReceipts(String[] receipts){



So it looks like copying an array to another array is inefficient. Will something like this work?

    public void takeReceipts(String[] receipts){

    int limit = 5;
    int numOfSmallerArrays = (receipts.length/limit)+(receipts.length%limit);
    int from = 0;
    int to = 4;
        for (int i = 0; i < numOfSmallerArrays; i++){
            List<String> subList = Arrays.asList(receipts).subList(from, to);
            from =+ limit;
            to =+ limit;




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3 answers

You can use Arrays.copyOfRange()


int from = 0;
int to = 4;
String[] subArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(receipts, from, to)




If you use List<String>

instead of String[]

arrays, you can do the partitioning very economically:

List<String> subList = Arrays.asList(receipts).subList(from, to);


This approach does not make a copy of your array, providing a read-only view of the original receipt array.

static final int LIMIT = 10;

public static void process(List<String> small) {
    if (small.size() > LIMIT) {
        System.out.print("Array is too big: "+small.size());
    for (String s : small) {
        System.out.print(s+" ");

public static void processBig(String[] receipts) {
    int numChunks = ((receipts.length+LIMIT-1)/LIMIT);
    int from = 0;
    int to = LIMIT;
    List<String> bigList = Arrays.asList(receipts);
    for (int i = 0 ; i != numChunks ; i++) {
        List<String> subList = bigList.subList(from, to);
        from += LIMIT;
        to += LIMIT;
        if (to >= receipts.length) {
            to = receipts.length;


Demo version

The implications of this approach are that changes made to the original elements of the array become "visible" through the view and that you cannot change the resulting array in any way subList




public void takeReceipts(String[] receipts){
    for (int i=0; i< receipts.length; i+=5)
        handleReceipts(Arrays.copyOfRange(receipts, i, Math.min(i+4, receipts.length-1)));

private void handleReceipts(String[] receipts){ 



public void takeReceipts(String[] receipts){
    for (int i=0; i< receipts.length; i+=5)
        handleReceipts(Arrays.asList(receipts).subList(i, Math.min(i+4, receipts.length-1)));

private void handleReceipts(List<String> receipts){




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