Project "MyProject" has a higher compiler option than running Eclipse

I am trying to rebuild the Hibernate config but I am getting an error Wrong Compiler Settings

. Below are screenshots of my app config and error:

Error Message

Build Path

Java Compiler


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2 answers

The problem was that Eclipse was running under a different JVM than the one listed in my project (I have two JDKs installed on my machine) to solve that I just changed the eclipse.init file to ensure it starts Eclipse corresponding JVM.

This is what I added to eclipse.init (you need to use your exact path to javaw.exe


C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\bin\javaw.exe


Further information on the eclipse.init file can be found here .



You seem to be using maven, so you need to configure it in the compiler for your POM



for more details check this example



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