How to join 2 tables in cypher, NEO4J


"List of movies in the category of games with a rental rate of more than $ 4

There are two tables: "Film" and "Film_category" have a common attribute "film_id"

How to solve this query, I read the documentation on how to join tables, didn't understand a word, please help me!


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1 answer


Assuming (from an earlier version of your question) that the following properties belong to all nodes with a label Film


  • film_id
  • name
  • rental_rate
  • replacement_cost
  • rental_value

that all properties belong Film_category


  • category_name

and that the model looks like this:



this query will answer your question:

MATCH (f:Film)-[:HAS_CATEGORY]->(c:Film_category)
WHERE f.rental_value > 4.0 AND c.category_name = 'Game'




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