Multiple Access Key Authentication Using Multiple Firewalls

I am trying to set up a small virtual cluster using Vagrant, there is one Ubuntu machine and several CoreOS machines. The problem I ran into was setting up key authentication between guest machines .

I tried putting the private key in a file .ssh/id_rsa

and the public key in .ssh/authorized_keys

and played with config.ssh.private_key_path

, but I couldn't get it to work.

Is there an easy way to do this?


vagrant ssh ubuntu coreos

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1 answer

Found it out. The problem I ran into was that I was installing my own key, but Vagrant boxes are installed with those keys and cannot connect if you set config.ssh.private_key_path

to a custom key. Found a hint in the documentation here that I think might warn the user that they won't be able to connect if they try to override the key using a public block:


- the path to the private key to use in SSH in the guest machine. By default, this is the insecure private key that comes with Vagrant , as this is what public boxes use. ... If you create your own custom block using a special SSH key, it should point to that private key.

So the trick is that you have to use the keys provided by Vagrant by placing them in the appropriate slots .ssh/id_rsa

and .ssh/authorized_keys



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