Find triplets in an array such that the sum of two numbers is also a number in a given array

For an array such as [1, 0, -1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

, find all subsets of length three where one element is the sum of the other two elements in the subset. For example:

1 + -1 == 0 (from [1, 0, -1])
2 +  3 == 5 (from [2, 3, 5])


I came up with a solution O(n²)

, but my interviewer insisted there was a solution O(n log n)


What is the best way to solve this problem?


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1 answer

At first glance, I don't see an algorithm that is smaller O(n²)

. (Unless it's unusually smart)

This problem is very similar to the infamous 3SUM question: Basically, the idea is that for a given set of n elements, are there three times that sum to zero?

Solving the 3SUM algorithm is faster than O(n²)

unknown - this is an open problem in computer science ... (See here: )

However, since your question is not exactly 3SUM ( A+B+C=0

), rather it includes ( A+B=C

), we cannot rule out smart tricks right away (but we make them very unlikely).

So your problem can be converted to A+B-C=0

, and it seems to me that such a solution would resolve 3SUM less than O(n²)

, and also ...

Consider this solution for such a task:

Consider solving the 2SUM problem (i.e. finding 2 lists of items that are summed to a specific value). We can display every item in the array (or some other persistent time-searched data type). Inserting each item takes time O(n)

. This is a linear solution to the 2SUM problem. (Then the loop iterates over each element of the array and checks the hash for T-element


Taking this idea, we can hash each sum in the array. However, getting every possible combination takes at best n*(n-1)

or O(n²)


If anyone has a solution faster than O(n²)

that, I'll be forever in awe of your fu-number (and if I find one, I'll edit it and eat my words).

Good luck with your search!



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