Db derby StartNetworkServer
I have a problem starting the derby server. My derby version: db-derby-
I followed this tutorial: http://db.apache.org/derby/papers/DerbyTut/ns_intro.html
but after typing: startNetworkServer.bat there is no response: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bo1tgfj8gf2533i/derby_issue.PNG?dl=0
could you help me? Maybe there are some problems with my localhost? I think I installed Derby correctly because after typing: java org.apache.derby.tools.sysinfo I got some output
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The error is in localization (for me in cs localization) and the derby server does not print exceptions by default.
Workaround: under the windows in the console, run the following commands:
set "DERBY_OPTS=-Duser.language=en -Dderby.drda.debug=true"
The first line adds two options for java/derby
. The first option is to change the local language to en, and the second is to print debug messages to the console. The second line starts the server (add the path if necessary).
Another workaround is to add the missing localization key DRDA_MissingNetworkJar.S
to the file org\apache\derby\loc\drda\messages_cs.properties
inside derbynet.jar
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