Referencing overloaded methods in scala

I was playing around at the REPL and was trying to get method references of objects. It works on strings, but not Integeres as I expected and I'm a little confused so help would be appreciated.


"abc".+ _
res0: (Any) => java.lang.String = 


... works as expected. I would like it to be better if it displays the function body after the sign =

(possibly in a shorthand form), but it gives me a method reference instead of calling the (empty) method as I expect.

However, this ...

42.+ _

error: missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$1) => 42.0.+(x$1))
   42.+ _


... gives me a strange error. How does _

it work here? I also tried to make it more explicit by using parentheses to create Integer

and not interpreting it as floating


(42).+ _

error: ambiguous reference to overloaded definition,
both method + in class Int of type (x$1: Char)Int
and  method + in class Int of type (x$1: Short)Int
match expected type ?
       (42).+ _


This gives me another unexpected error, although I understand that the compiler doesn't know which of the overloaded methods I want to be referenced.

So my question is, what does the error in my example code tell me? And how do I force the compiler to select one of the methods in my example code?



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1 answer

Take a quick look at the same problem that the compiler just solved differently: it doesn't know which overloading you're talking about. By the way, in scala 2.11 they both throw the same error as you can no longer end up floating point literal with .


If you need to choose one, you must be explicit:

(42: Int) + (_: Int)



val x: Int => Int = 42.+ _


Both of them will work.



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