End of the previous quarter / last day of the previous quarter

Using lubridate

how to calculate the last day of the previous quarter for a specific date? The below formula doesn't seem to work on Nov 3rd 2014 (other business dates)

date = as.POSIXct("2014-11-03")
date - days(day(date)) - months(month(date) %% 3 - 1)
# NA


Interestingly, the order of work is changing:

date - months(month(date) %% 3 - 1) - days(day(date))
# "2014-09-30 UTC"



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2 answers

Here are some possibilities with functions from the zoo

and timeDate

and base

R packages . The code zoo

was improved by @ G. Grothendieck and he also suggested an alternative base

(thanks a lot!). I leave the solution to lubridate

someone else.

Use first class


in a package zoo

to represent quarterly data. You can then use the as.Date.yearqtr

argument frac

", which is a number between 0 and 1, inclusive, that specifies the fraction of the path during the period that represents the result. The default is 0, which means the start of the period" (see ?yearqtr

and ?yearmon

for frac


Step by step:


date <- as.Date("2014-11-03")

# current quarter
current_q <- as.yearqtr(date)
# [1] "2014 Q4"

# first date in current quarter
first_date_current_q <- as.Date(current_q, frac = 0)
# [1] "2014-10-01"

# last date in previous quarter
last_date_prev_q <- first_date_current_q - 1
# [1] "2014-09-30"


And the short version by @ G. Grothendieck (thanks!)

as.Date(as.yearqtr(date)) - 1
# [1] "2014-09-30"


Good solution by base

R @ G. Grothendieck

as.Date(cut(date, "quarter")) - 1
# [1] "2014-09-30"


Another possibility is to use functions timeFirstDayInQuarter

and timeLastDayInQuarter

in a package timeDate


timeLastDayInQuarter(timeFirstDayInQuarter(date) - 1)
# [1] [2014-09-30]




I know this is old, but since this question specifically requires a lubridate solution, and I couldn't find a working code for it elsewhere, I figured I'd post it, keeping in mind that a basic R solution is most likely laconic:

> sampleDate <- ymd('2015-11-11')
> yearsToSample <- years(year(sampleDate) - year(origin))
> yearsToSample
[1] "45y 0m 0d 0H 0M 0S"
> additionalMonths <- months((quarter(sampleDate) - 1) * 3)
> additionalMonths
[1] "9m 0d 0H 0M 0S"
> startOfQuarter <- ymd(origin) + yearsToSample + additionalMonths - days(1)
> startOfQuarter
[1] "2015-09-30 UTC"


This has been confirmed to work for dates before the start ('1970-01-01').



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