Can you use the FBSnapshottestcase library with Swift?

I have fbsnapshottestcase library and subclasses FBSnapshotTestCase

in a test file that I have in my iOS project. However, if I try to call FBSnapshotVerifyView

, I get a method that didn't find an error.


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2 answers

I had the same problem today for a new project that I started quickly. Also, I forked the repo to fix this. You will find it there:

You can add it as a Pod:

 target "Tests" do
   pod 'FBSnapshotTestCase', :git => ''




You can make an extension and import it into a bridge file:

FBSnapshotTestCase + SwiftAdditions.h:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <FBSnapshotTestCase/FBSnapshotTestCase.h>

@interface FBSnapshotTestCase (SwiftAdditions)

- (void) snapshotVerifyView:(UIView *)view withIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier;
- (void) snapshotVerifyLayer:(CALayer *)layer withIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier;



FBSnapshotTestCase + SwiftAdditions.m:

#import "FBSnapshotTestCase+SwiftAdditions.h"

@implementation FBSnapshotTestCase (SwiftAdditions)

- (void) snapshotVerifyView:(UIView *)view withIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
    FBSnapshotVerifyView(view, identifier);

- (void) snapshotVerifyLayer:(CALayer *)layer withIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
    FBSnapshotVerifyLayer(layer, identifier);





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