TFS Binding. What is its purpose?

I come from an SVN / GIT background and consider myself the exact opposite of how version control works in general.

So, imagine my surprise when moving a project to TFS. I am prompted to "bind" my solution:

enter image description here

I understand what I need to do for binding , my question is:

  • Why would I need to modify my .sln and .proj files to suit this?
  • What is the purpose of the binding?

I've searched MSDN and Google. There are many explanations for how, but not why .


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1 answer

There are version control plugins for various SCM tools, it just happens that you haven't used a plugin with your previous tool.

Plugins provide IDE integration. For example, it will show you if you have changed a file or not in the solution explorer and provide a context menu with source controls when you right-click on the file in the IDE.

Do you need to customize the binding for your solution / projects? Not. Does something hurt for this? Also no. Do you have additional useful features? Yes. There is no reason not to do this, basically.



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