Running tune.svm in R and for a long time

I have a dataset for an email and I am using SVM to decide if an email is spam or not.

I split the dataset into test and train and then selected a random set of 500 records to set up svm. I am using RBF core. Below is the initial data


svmFit = tune.svm(type~., data = randomTrainSample,
           gamma = 2^(0.000001:0.001), cost = 2^(10:100))


This process continues for a very long time and does not seem to end.

I also ran it with gamma = 2 ^ (- 1: 1) and cost = 2 ^ (2: 4). It worked fine. But with the above values, it gives almost no results.

I suspect it has something to do with the gamma value and the cost I am providing. Can anyone suggest?


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1 answer

Some of my experiences with tune.svm()

also took a very long time. It ended, but only after 1 hour or so.

I tested your command (with some pull) and it ended after about 30 minutes.

It will look like this:

parameters <- tune.svm(class~., data = train_set, gamma = 10^(-5:-1), cost = 10^(-3:1))
summary(parameters )

Parameter tuning of ‘svm’:

- sampling method: 10-fold cross validation 

- best parameters:
 gamma cost
   0.1    1

- best performance: 0.1409453 

- Detailed performance results:
   gamma cost     error  dispersion
1  1e-05  0.1 0.2549098 0.010693238
2  1e-04  0.1 0.2548908 0.010689828
3  1e-03  0.1 0.2546062 0.010685683
4  1e-02  0.1 0.2397427 0.010388229
5  1e-01  0.1 0.1776163 0.014591070
6  1e-05  1.0 0.2549043 0.010691266
7 1e-03  1.0 0.2524830 0.010660262
8 1e-02  1.0 0.2262167 0.010391502
9 1e-01  1.0 0.1409453 0.009898745
10 1e-05 10.0 0.2548687 0.010690819
11 1e-04 10.0 0.2545997 0.010686525
12 1e-03 10.0 0.2403118 0.010394169
13 1e-02 10.0 0.1932509 0.009984875




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