Object Oriented Programming and Databases

I am learning Object Oriented Programming. My application is based on two MySQL bases. So I get some records, very often insert some data into my databases.

Is it correct to have a class named MySQL

? This is a very simple class, there are only two methods - Connect()

and Disconnect()

. This class is shown below:

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient

Public Class MySQL 
    Private csJablotron As String = My.Settings.csJablotron
    Private csBCS As String = My.Settings.csBCS
    Private _connection As MySqlConnection

    Public ReadOnly Property Connection() As MySqlConnection
            Return _connection 
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub Connect(shop As String)

        Select Case shop
            Case "jablotron"
                _connection = New MySqlConnection(csJablotron)
            Case "bcs"
                _connection = New MySqlConnection(csBCS)
            Case Else
                MessageBox.Show("There is no shop with this name.")
                Exit Sub
        End Select

            _connection .Open()
        Catch ex As MySqlException
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub

    Public Sub Disconnect()
            _connection .Dispose()
        Catch ex As MySqlException
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class


And then in my main program, when I need to use my database, I just do this:

    mySql.Connect("bcs")    'mySql is an object of MySQL class
    'here I select some records and do something with them...
End Try


Is this correct in object oriented programming? Or is it better to always use the operator using

when I need a database connection and create a connection string there and not even use that class? I know this is a theoretical question, but I'm very curious about which is better.


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1 answer

Abstracting your persistence (database) layer is always a good idea. So, keep your class!

I would recommend a few things:

  • The use of the operator using

    only makes sense for implementation IDisposable

    . Otherwise; your method is fine.
  • Do not use direct SELECT statements, etc. in the code. They should be hidden behind methods in the persistence class.

Otherwise; you are on the right track.



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