Change the color of the line plot based on the data (red for the upper threshold, say 0, and blue for below 0)

I am working on the problem of relaying a graph based on object temperature. The goal is to show the parts of the line graph in red where the object's temperature is above 0 and blue when it is below 0

The graph is very similar to what is available here.

I can change the color, but I cannot limit it to part of the line above or below the threshold. Instead, the entire graph changes to red or blue when values ​​are entered in real time. Note that the graph is a dynamic graph, which means that the data is sent to the graph in real time and the graph will change over time to show a line graph.

Any help would be appreciated.

All I use is JS and CSS. No further suggestions for the basics, please.


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1 answer

Well after many hours (almost 4 hours) with d3, I figured out a solution to this situation. All I need to add is a gradient to the line and define the colors and x / y values ​​at which the gradient would change the line colors.

Here is an example of what I got after this change.

Here is some sample code for it.

add to css:

.graph .group {
          fill: none;
          stroke: url(#line-gradient);
          stroke-width: 1.5;


add to schedule:

               .attr("id", "line-gradient")
               .attr("gradientUnits", "userSpaceOnUse")
               .attr("x1", 0).attr("y1", y(0))
               .attr("x2", 0).attr("y2", y(2))
                       {offset: "100%", color: "blue"},
                       {offset: "100%", color: "red"},
                        .attr("offset", function(d) { return d.offset; })
                        .attr("stop-color", function(d) { return d.color; });


For a full view of the graph in action:



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