How to find the next week in R

I want to find the closest lowest week for each date in df $ Upload_Date by specifying a series of weeks called "weeks".

#[1] "2014-09-25" "2014-09-25" "2014-09-25" "2014-11-06" "2014-09-25" "2014-09-25"


I also have a list of the weeks that I will use in the report.

> weeks
 [1] "2014-08-01" "2014-08-08" "2014-08-15" "2014-08-22" "2014-08-29" "2014-09-05" "2014-09-12" "2014-09-19" "2014-09-26"
[10] "2014-10-03" "2014-10-10" "2014-10-17" "2014-10-24" "2014-10-31" "2014-11-07" "2014-11-14"


The first value in df $ Upload_Date is "2014-09-25". The nearest lower week in "weeks" is "2014-09-19". So I want to create a new column "df $ report_week" that will assign "2014-09-19" to the row with "2014-09-25".

I tried to set the following variables (not sure if this will be useful or not):

upload_day <- as.POSIXlt(df$Upload_Date[1])$yday
> upload_day
[1] 267

report_days <- as.POSIXlt(weeks)$yday
> report_days
 [1] 212 219 226 233 240 247 254 261 268 275 282 289 296 303 310 317


Any ideas here?


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3 answers

You can try cut

and use your vector "week" like breaks


date <- as.Date(c("2014-09-25", "2014-10-06"))
weeks <- as.Date("2014-08-01") + 7 * 0:10

cut(date, breaks = weeks)
# [1] 2014-09-19 2014-10-03


Also note the "inline" breaks


where weeks start on Monday (default start.on.monday = TRUE

), as opposed to your "start on Friday-week":

cut(date, breaks = "week")
# [1] 2014-09-22 2014-10-06




You can use findInterval

. It looks like you are trying to find the week of your loading dates with last Friday's weekly numbers.

data.frame(date=Upload_Date,week.of=weeks[findInterval(Upload_Date, weeks)])


        date week.of
1 2014-09-25 2014-09-19
2 2014-11-06 2014-10-31



You can use floor_date()

from lubridate

. Eg floor_date(x, unit = "week")

. The other answers with help are cut

very nice for the general case where you have this handy vector of weeks (or any other time span). This will work for most standard devices, choice c("second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "year")




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