Rails, ActiveRecord, PostgreSQL search word in string using regex

I have a rails 4.1.x application using PostgreSQL as db.

I need to query a column trying to perform a disassociated match on a portion of a string when searching with word boundaries. The regex must be inline with / keyword \ b / i, so using% keyword% will not abbreviate it. I understand that postgres supports regex, however I cannot get it to work correctly. I currently have the following:

Page.where("title ~* 'keyword/\b'").all
generages the following:
SELECT "pages".* FROM "pages"  WHERE (title ~* 'keyword')


This currently does not return anything, even entries that I know contain the word "keyword", what am I doing wrong? Or rather, what can I do to get the expected result.


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1 answer

Ruby interprets it \b

as backspace because you are using \b

double quoted string inside. For example, if you look at:



you get [8]

a backspace character as well. Then something, somewhere, interprets that backspace character as a real backspace and you end up with keyword

(i.e., keyword/

with a trailing slash) inside the database.

You don't want to say /\b

, you want to say \\b

to get one backslash and then b

down to the database. But that still won't work, because it \b

will be interpreted as backspace in PostgreSQL regex

Table 9-15. Symbolic expressions with regex

backspace as in C

If you want a match at the end of a word, then you want\M


Table 9-17. Conditional Expression Constraints Constraints

matches only at the end of a word

Each regex syntax is slightly different and you need to use the correct syntax with each engine.

I think what you are looking for is:

Page.where("title ~* 'keyword\\M'")




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