JPA Association Without Foreign Key

Is it possible to create a ManyToOne association without creating a JPA foreign key in the database?

The tables are owned by a different system and populated asynchronously. So we cannot have FK in the database. There is still, almost always, in the end an attitude.

@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
        @JoinColumn(name="`Order Type`", referencedColumnName = "`Order Type`", insertable = false, updatable = false),
        @JoinColumn(name="`Order No`", referencedColumnName = "`No`", insertable = false, updatable = false)
}, foreignKey = @javax.persistence.ForeignKey(value = ConstraintMode.NO_CONSTRAINT))
private OrderHeader orderHeader;


The problem is that JPA SchemaUpdate is trying to add FK even though ConstraintMode.NO_CONSTRAINT

[error] ohthSchemaUpdate - unable to add foreign key constraint

and we could ignore that if that didn't make the rest of the statements fail

[error] ohthSchemaUpdate - operations are not allowed after the statement is closed.

We are on hibernate-entitymanager 4.3.7.Final and JPA 2.1.


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3 answers

The fact that ConstraintMode.NO_CONSTRAINT is being ignored looks like a bug in Hibernate 4 due to the fix in 5.

Comments on this and indeed this post are here:

Multiple Relationships with Separate Mapping Table without Hibernate Foreign Key Generation

suggest adding a deprecated annotation (dormant, not JPA)

@ForeignKey( name = "none" )


the attitude should work.



Add name="none"

to javax.persistence.ForeignKey


it worked for me.

foreignKey = @javax.persistence.ForeignKey(name="none",value = ConstraintMode.NO_CONSTRAINT)




In Hibernate 4.3.X annotation box with @ org.hibernate.annotations.ForeignKey (name = "none") worked for me.

But be careful: in the case of a bidirectional relationship, you must annotate two fields with annadation !!!



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