C ++: Error: indirect non-virtual base class not allowed

I am trying to create some kind of basic user interface in C ++ and OpenGL. With this, I am using a class called OGLRectangle:

class OGLRectangle : public Renderable, public Listener
                    OGLRectangle(float cX, float cY);


this is inherited by the Button class, which contains common methods between all types of buttons:

 class Button : public OGLRectangle


Finally, the ButtonBrowse class inherits from this and contains methods for opening the file:

class ButtonBrowse : public Button
        ButtonBrowse(float cX, float cY);


Now, I would be right to say that in order to pass constructor parameters to ButtonBrowse, I need to do something like this in the constructor:

ButtonBrowse::ButtonBrowse(float cX, float cY) : OGLRectangle(cX, cY)


and if so why am I getting an indirect non-virtual error in the header?


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1 answer

You need to call the constructor Button

, which will then call the constructor OGLRectangle


ButtonBrowse::ButtonBrowse(float cX, float cY) : Button(cX, cY)


As long as Button

has its constructor set up to pass parameters to its direct base class OGLRectangle

, you should be fine.



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