How do I change the format of a Magento email address?
I have a problem that I have been playing with for hours and getting pretty annoying.
The System->Configuration->Customer configuration -> Address Templates
Magento offers users to format addresses (country, city, region, etc.).
My question is how to change the full region name to the region code? I have also looked at the code in Mage/Customer/Address
and cannot find a solution.
Any ideas please? Thank.
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muhammedv is correct. Editing core files is bad practice. You found a solution, but here I added some code to create a new module for this. I am just rewriting the class.
app / code / local / Packagename / Modulename / etc / config.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Application / Code / Local / Package / MODULENAME / Block / Client / Address / Renderer / default.php
class Packagename_Modulename_Block_Customer_Address_Renderer_Default extends Mage_Customer_Block_Address_Renderer_Default
//your stuff goes here..
And finally, activate your module,
App / code / etc / modules / Packagename_Modulename.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Please comment here if you have any doubts.
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