Java.util.ConcurrentModificationException But I am not removing

My below recursive function throws ConcurrentModificationException in continue statement. I have looked at several posts about ConcurrentModificationException and all the problems seem to be related to removing an element from an element, but I am not removing any element in my function.

My function is below:

    public static void getRootedTreeHelper(Node n, boolean[] marked, String spacing){ 

        System.out.println(spacing + "in helper with " + n.getId());
        marked[n.getId()] = true;
            for(Node child : n.children){
                    continue; // ConcurrentModificationException is thrown here. 
                    spacing = spacing + "\t";
                    getRootedTreeHelper(child, marked, spacing);


As requested: The relevant sections of the Node class are shown below

public class Node {

    private int id;
    ArrayList<Node> children;

    public Node(int id) { = id;
        children = new ArrayList<Node>();

     * add node n to this node children
     * @param n
    public void addChild(Node n) {

    // getters and setters()
    public int getId() {
        return id;
    public void setId(int id) { = id;


Does anyone have any ideas?

Edit solution: Instead of using a for each loop to iterate over all children, I use a for loop.


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2 answers

From the ConcurrentModificationException


Note that this exception does not always indicate that the object has been simultaneously modified by a different thread . (...) For
For example, if a thread modifies a collection directly while it is iterating over a build using a failover iterator, the iterator will throw this exception.

The error lies in adding a child to the collection and also iterating over it.

The error is only detected by the iterator when it is incremented in the loop for




If you look at the implementation of the Iterator ArrayList

, it shows that at runtime

it checks if the size of the collection has changed.

if (i >= elementData.length)
  throw new ConcurrentModificationException();


Even using the synchronized version from Collections.synchronizedList(n.children)

would not help as it still uses the same Iterator.

So, if you want concurrent access that modifies the collection, you have a choice:

  • use Iterator.remove()

    to remove the current element,
  • use a version that allows parallel modification, for example, ConcurrentLinkedQueue

    or ConcurrentLinkedDeque

  • use a different one List

    for recording changes than for iterating.

You can try LinkedList

- I haven't read the source in full, but a quick glance at it Iterator

seems like it is immune to additions during iteration.



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