Die Casting Windbg

I would like to inject the object type of the child class into the parent class in WinDbg in the command window.

Examples of classes

class parent
    int a;
    int b;
    parent(){ a = 10; b = 10; }
    parent(int c) : a(a){}

class child : public parent
    int a;
    int b;
    child(){ a = 20; b = 20; }
    child(int d) : b(d){}


I am using Windbg and I was reading the help file. It shows in C ++ Numbers and Operators that I can do the following input types from a WinDbg window:

dynamic_cast <type>(Value) 
static_cast <type>(Value) 
reinterpret_cast <type>(Value) 
const_cast <type>(Value)
(type) Value


So, I would print the Windbg command prompt window:

?? (type) Value


What works

?? (char)a
?? static_cast<char>(a)


where a is int.

What does not work

?? (parent)chld
?? static_cast<parent>(chld)
?? static_cast<mod!parent>(chld)


where chld is an object of class child and child, inherits from the parent class.

Object example:

child chld;


Returned error:

Enter conflict error in '<EOL>'

If I do x mod!*

, I get a giant list, on this list



If I do ?? chld

, then the object gets reset to the screen just fine.

Why would I like to do this? Well you can do

?? chld.childattr++

and so I would really like to do ?? ((parent)chld).parentattr++

Windbg helper says:

Symbols in C ++ Expressions

In a C ++ expression, each character is interpreted according to its type. Depending on what the symbol is pointing to, it can be interpreted as an integer, data structure, function pointer, or any other data type . If you use a character that does not match the C ++ data type (for example, the name of an unmodified module) in a C ++ expression, a syntax error occurs.

So I see no reason why I shouldn't have to inject the object type into parent data.

I searched a lot and it really didn't work out if someone could point me in the right direction so that I can read why this should or should not work, or maybe what I need to do to be successful or even why is this not what I should expect from WinDbg.

Edited: To add sample code.

c ++ windbg

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1 answer

code, snippet, or anything reproducible to some extent on other machines can provide more reliable and clear answers instead of dry theoretical questions

I am interpreting your question as a type that can be compiled as a _proprocess structure

if so you can do something like this

lkd> ?? (char *)@$proc->ImageFileName
char * 0x866be194
lkd> lm m windbg
start    end        module name
01000000 01097000   windbg     (pdb symbols)          
lkd> db windbg l10
01000000  4d 5a 90 00 03 00 00 00-04 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00  MZ..............
lkd> da windbg+4e 
0100004e  "This program cannot be run in DO"
0100006e  "S mode....$"
lkd> ?? (char *)((nt!_EPROCESS *) @@masm(windbg - 174+4e) )->ImageFileName
char * 0x0100004e
 "This program cannot be run in DOS mode....$"


although still at a loss this is an edit in response to an edited question

complete source to pass your parent class slightly modified to exclude undefined warning and output error, and use the inner main function

:\>type parchiltst.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
class parent
    int a;
    int b;
    parent(){ a = 35; b = 28; }
    parent(int c) : a(c){}
class child : public parent
    int a;
    int b;
    child(){ a = 20; b = 20; }
    child(int d) : b(d){}
int main (void) {
    parent par,papa,mama,gramp;
    child  chill,bigbro,lilsis,crybab;
    gramp=parent(par); papa=parent(); mama=parent(1234);
    printf("%d  %d  %d  %d  %d  %d  %d  %d  %d  %d  %d  %d  %d  %d\n",
    return 0;


compiled, linked and executed to show the output

:\>cl /Zi /nologo /W4 /analyze parchiltst.cpp /link /RELEASE

4  8  70  65  35  28  1234  0  4  8  20  20  196608  5678 `


load it under windbg and go to printf so that all locals are properly initialized

:\>cdb parchiltst.exe

0:000> g main
00401000 55              push    ebp
0:000> dv -V -t -i
prv local  0013ff18 @ebp-0x60 class child lilsis = class child
prv local  0013ff28 @ebp-0x50 class parent par = class parent
prv local  0013ff30 @ebp-0x48 class parent gramp = class parent
prv local  0013ff38 @ebp-0x40 class parent papa = class parent
prv local  0013ff40 @ebp-0x38 class parent mama = class parent
prv local  0013ff48 @ebp-0x30 class child chill = class child
prv local  0013ff58 @ebp-0x20 class child bigbro = class child
prv local  0013ff68 @ebp-0x10 class child crybab = class child
0:000> .lines
Line number information will be loaded
0:000> l+*
0:000> p
>   19:     parent par,papa,mama,gramp;
>   20:     child  chill,bigbro,lilsis,crybab;
>   21:     par.a=70;par.b=65;chill.a=4;chill.b=8;
>   22:     gramp=parent(par); papa=parent(); mama=parent(1234);
>   23:     bigbro=child(chill);lilsis=child();crybab=child(5678);
>   26:         bigbro.a,bigbro.b,lilsis.a,lilsis.b,crybab.a,crybab.b);


evaluating all locales with the C ++ exp analyzer

0:000> !for_each_local "?? @#Local"
class child
   +0x000 a                : 0n35
   +0x004 b                : 0n28
   +0x008 a                : 0n4
   +0x00c b                : 0n8
class child
   +0x000 a                : 0n35
   +0x004 b                : 0n28
   +0x008 a                : 0n4
   +0x00c b                : 0n8
class child
   +0x000 a                : 0n35
   +0x004 b                : 0n28
   +0x008 a                : 0n2090270496
   +0x00c b                : 0n5678
class parent
   +0x000 a                : 0n70
   +0x004 b                : 0n65
class child
   +0x000 a                : 0n35
   +0x004 b                : 0n28
   +0x008 a                : 0n20
   +0x00c b                : 0n20
class parent
   +0x000 a                : 0n1234
   +0x004 b                : 0n0
class parent
   +0x000 a                : 0n35
   +0x004 b                : 0n28
class parent
   +0x000 a                : 0n70
   +0x004 b                : 0n65


check individually

0:000> ?? ((child *) @@masm(mama))->a
int 0n35
0:000> ?? ((parent *) @@masm(mama))->a
int 0n1234
0:000> ?? ((parent *) @@masm(papa))->a
int 0n35
0:000> ?? ((child *) @@masm(papa))->a
int 0n1234
0:000> ?? ((child *) @@masm(lilsis))->a
int 0n20
0:000> ?? ((parent *) @@masm(lilsis))->a
int 0n35
0:000> ?? ((parent *) @@masm(lilsis))
class parent * 0x0013ff18
   +0x000 a                : 0n35
   +0x004 b                : 0n28
0:000> ?? ((child *) @@masm(lilsis))
class child * 0x0013ff18
   +0x000 a                : 0n35
   +0x004 b                : 0n28
   +0x008 a                : 0n20
   +0x00c b                : 0n20
0:000> ?? ((child *) @@masm(mama))
class child * 0x0013ff40
   +0x000 a                : 0n1234
   +0x004 b                : 0n0
   +0x008 a                : 0n35
   +0x00c b                : 0n28
0:000> ?? ((parent *) @@masm(mama))
class parent * 0x0013ff40
   +0x000 a                : 0n1234
   +0x004 b                : 0n0


a trail of questions and answers that can lead to solutions

what do we want to display?

a pointer to a class


what type of class



to map a pointer to somefoo in the evaluation of a c ++ expression

?? (somefoo *) should be used


a pointer needs an address or an expression that evaluates to an address

lilsis, papa, somefoo, etc. are expressions that can be interpreted for both masm evaluators and C ++

to avoid ambiguity, we need to explicitly state that lilsis etc needs to be evaluated as masm expression not as c++ expression because ?? tries to interpret lilsis , somefoo as c++ expression

therefore the full expression would be?? (somefoo *) @@(someotherfoo)

notice is @@ only

sufficient to indicate the expression masm, but to avoid ambiguity it is a good habit to indicate the evaluations of expressions explicitly like @@masm( , @@c++(

, etc.

see below single? by class pointer returns address and a? return the type

0:000> ? mama
Evaluate expression: 1310528 = 0013ff40
0:000> ?? mama
class parent
   +0x000 a                : 0n1234
   +0x004 b                : 0n0
0:000> ?? lilsis
class child
   +0x000 a                : 0n35
   +0x004 b                : 0n28
   +0x008 a                : 0n20
   +0x00c b                : 0n20
0:000> ? lilsis
Evaluate expression: 1310488 = 0013ff18
0:000> ?? @@(mama)
unsigned int64 0x13ff40
0:000> ?? @@masm(mama)
unsigned int64 0x13ff40
0:000> ?? @@c++(mama)
class parent
   +0x000 a                : 0n1234
   +0x004 b                : 0n0
0:000> ?? @@c++(crybab)
class child
   +0x000 a                : 0n35
   +0x004 b                : 0n28
   +0x008 a                : 0n2090270496
   +0x00c b                : 0n5678


this applies not only to the class but also to types displayed with dt

nt! _prorocess is processed below for different scenarios as an example

lkd> ?? ((nt! _EPROCESS) @ $ proc) โ†’ ImageFileName

Type conflict error at ')->ImageFileName'


lkd> ?? ((nt! _EPROCESS *) @ $ proc) โ†’ ImageFileName

unsigned char [16] 0x86305f14
0x6b 'k'


lkd> ?? (char *) ((nt! _EPROCESS *) @ $ proc) โ†’ ImageFileName

char * 0x86305f14


lkd> ?? (char *) ((nt! _EPROCESS *) nt) โ†’ ImageFileName

Couldn't resolve error at 'nt)->ImageFileName'


lkd> ?? (char *) ((nt! _EPROCESS *) @@ (nt)) โ†’ ImageFileName

char * 0x804d7174


?? #FIELD_OFFSET (nt! _EPROCESS, ImageFileName)

long 0n372


lkd>? 0n372

Evaluate expression: 372 = 00000174


lkd>? @@ C ++ (# FIELD_OFFSET (nt! _EPROCESS, ImageFileName)) + nt

Evaluate expression: -2142408332 = 804d7174


lkd> ?? @@ C ++ (# FIELD_OFFSET (nt! _EPROCESS, ImageFileName)) + nt

Couldn't resolve error at 'nt'


lkd> ?? @@ C ++ (# FIELD_OFFSET (nt! _EPROCESS, ImageFileName)) + @@ (nt)

unsigned int64 0xffffffff`804d7174



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