Copy line to clipboard in c

First of all, I know there is a question with an identical name, however, it deals with C ++, not c.

Is there a way to set a string to the clipboard in c?

This is the mentioned question in case anyone is interested, although this is for windows.

I need it to be in c because I am writing a program in c and I would like to copy the string to the clipboard.

printf("Welcome! Please enter a sentence to begin.\n> ");
fgets(sentence, ARR_MAX, stdin);   
//scan in sentence
int i;
char command[ARR_MAX + 25] = {0};
strncat(command, "echo '",6);
strncat(command, sentence, strlen(sentence));
strncat(command, "' | pbcopy",11);
command[ARR_MAX + 24] = '\0';
i = system(command); // Executes echo 'string' | pbcopy


The above code stores two more lines in addition to the line. ARR_MAX - 300.


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1 answer

you tagged your question for osx. so this should be enough:

however, there is the problem of calling non-native c. Whether this is possible directly, I do not know.

if you can accept some kind of hacky behavior you can call the pbcopy command.

it would be very easy to implement. here is a short function that should be copied to the clipboard. But I don't have osx so I can't check myself

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int copytoclipboard(const char *str) {

    const char proto_cmd[] = "echo '%s' | pbcopy";

    char cmd[strlen(str) + strlen(proto_cmd) - 1]; // -2 to remove the length of %s in proto cmd and + 1 for null terminator = -1
    sprintf(cmd ,proto_cmd, str);

    return system(cmd);

int main()
    copytoclipboard("copy this to clipboard");





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