How to parse Info.plist file from ipa

I want to write a program to get application details like. application name, version, package ID, from ipa. However, this file is not a simple text file, it is encoded in some way and my program cannot parse it.

Is there a way to decode this file?


To clarify the matter, I am writing a python program to get application information from the ipa files that I exported from Xcode.


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5 answers

For those who don't have Apple developer logins, here are two answers from the accepted answer link (you need to log in to see it):

  • use PlistBuddy

    • /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :CFBundleIdentifier" yourBinaryOrXmlPlist.plist

  • There are many other ways to parse plist binaries as well. For example, I am using Python, and there is a library called biplist that is exactly used to read and write binary plist files and supports both Python 2 and 3. Also, "plistlib" in Python 3.4 supports binary manipulation with new APIs. interfaces.


My Python version:

In my research, the tricky bit was parsing a binary plist as python PlistLib can't read it:

from Foundation import NSData, NSPropertyListSerialization 
# Use PyObjC, pre-installed in Apple Python dist.
def parse_plist(info_plist_string):
  data = NSData.dataWithBytes_length_(info_plist_string, len(info_plist_string))
  return NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListWithData_options_format_error_(data, 0, None, None)




It's easy if you have a MacBook.
Then follow this recommendation:

  1. Rename from file.ipa ->
  2. Unpack the .zip file
  3. Go to the "Payload" folder
  4. Right Click Application File -> Show Package Contents
  5. .See Info.plist


Got a response from the Apple Developer Forum:

PlistBuddy is what you are looking for:

/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :CFBundleIdentifier" yourBinaryOrXmlPlist.plist



Double clicking on the list will open from Xcode.



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