Android mediarecorder only records horrible video

So, I have the following code to write, and the quality is absolutely terrible. I think I must be wrong, but I tried it both ways. The "CamcorderProfile" path and then the "Manual" way, you can see that the camcorder code is commented out. Both give accurate results.

    Camera _camera = Camera.Open (1);
    _camera.Unlock ();

    recorder = new MediaRecorder ();

    recorder.SetCamera (_camera);

    recorder.SetAudioSource (AudioSource.Mic);    
    recorder.SetVideoSource (VideoSource.Camera); 

    recorder.SetOutputFormat (OutputFormat.Default);

    recorder.SetAudioEncoder (AudioEncoder.Default);
    recorder.SetVideoEncoder (VideoEncoder.Default);

    //CamcorderProfile p = CamcorderProfile.Get(0, CamcorderQuality.High);

    recorder.SetOutputFile (path);       


    recorder.Prepare ();
    recorder.Start ();


And it works fine, but here's the problem. This is the image of the preview window while recording, and this is the image of the video as I play it back. You can't tell because the screenshot is so terrible, but none of the colors fit (it has almost no color). I think there must be some problem with the color channels. For example, here's another comparison with a "camera dummy". Below is the correct version . And here's the weird version of the replay.


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2 answers

This property helps improve video quality:

mediaRecorder.setVideoEncodingBitRate(3000000);  //you may try varying the argument value


and of course call this method before preparing () :)



This is a working example using the following configuration:

    myCamera = getCameraInstance();
    mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder();




    mediaRecorder.setOutputFile(getExternalStorageDirectory() + "myvideo.mp4");
    mediaRecorder.setMaxDuration(60000); // Set max duration 60 sec.
    mediaRecorder.setMaxFileSize(5000000); // Set max file size 5M



However, if you are using Android 5, you must use the new camera API .



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