Ignore navigation property when matching in Automapper

Having these 2 classes as an example:

public class Product
    public int Id {get; set;}
    public int CategoryId {get; set;}

public class ProductDTO
    public int Id {get; set;}
    public int CategoryId {get; set;}
    public Category Category {get; set;}


How can I ignore ProductDTO.Category

when matching bidrectionally?


source to share

1 answer

Assuming you mean bidirectional, that is, both classes have a member Category

that you want to ignore, you can use .ReverseMap()


<strong> Display

Mapper.CreateMap<Product, ProductDTO>()                
                .ForMember(dest => dest.Category, opt => opt.Ignore()).ReverseMap();


Model examples

public class Product
        public int Id {get; set;}
        public int CategoryId {get; set;}
        public Category Category {get; set;}

    public class ProductDTO
        public int Id {get; set;}
        public int CategoryId {get; set;}
        public Category Category {get; set;}

    public class Category



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