Device not detected Error appears when launching Phonegap Push app for notifications

I used the source code of the example ( ). The problem is that when I install the app and run it on my Android phone (or Android SDK emulator), it cannot register the device to Android GCM. Pop-up pop-up message - "Device not detected". I don't know exactly how I can catch the error why it is not registering the device.

The steps I followed are as follows:

  • - Created the Phonegap project

  • - Installed the following 3 plugins (cordova-plugin-device.git, cordova-plugin-media.git, PushPlugin).

  • - registered app with Google Android GCM and retrieved my cloud cloud API and project number
  • Find the PushNotification.js file that was installed in my project-root / plugins folder. This file was copied to my project-root / www folder and is linked to index.html
  • Added to index file
  • Added to www / config.xml file
  • Added JSuery mobile JS + CSS files to my project
  • Changed senderID in my HTML code: "1111146417746
  • Created app with CLI - Android phone build and builds

And here is my index.html:


        <!--<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="cordova-2.2.0.js"></script>-->
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="ext/jquery/">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="ext/jquery/jquery-min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="ext/jquery/"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="ext/jquery.qrcode.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="cordova.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="PushNotification.js"></script>

        <script type="text/javascript">
            var pushNotification;

            function onDeviceReady() {
                $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>deviceready event received</li>');

                document.addEventListener("backbutton", function(e)
                    $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>backbutton event received</li>');

                    if( $("#home").length > 0)
                        // call this to get a new token each time. don't call it to reuse existing token.
                        //pushNotification.unregister(successHandler, errorHandler);
                }, false);

                    pushNotification = window.plugins.pushNotification;
              $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>registering ' + device.platform + '</li>');
                    if (device.platform == 'android' || device.platform == 'Android' ||
                            device.platform == 'amazon-fireos' ) {
            pushNotification.register(successHandler, errorHandler, {"senderID":"111111117746","ecb":"onNotification"});        // required!
                    } else {
                        pushNotification.register(tokenHandler, errorHandler, {"badge":"true","sound":"true","alert":"true","ecb":"onNotificationAPN"});    // required!
                    txt="There was an error on this page.\n\n"; 
                    txt+="Error description: " + err.message + "\n\n"; 

            // handle APNS notifications for iOS
            function onNotificationAPN(e) {
                if (e.alert) {
                     $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>push-notification: ' + e.alert + '</li>');
                     // showing an alert also requires the org.apache.cordova.dialogs plugin

                if (e.sound) {
                    // playing a sound also requires the plugin
                    var snd = new Media(e.sound);

                if (e.badge) {
                    pushNotification.setApplicationIconBadgeNumber(successHandler, e.badge);

            // handle GCM notifications for Android
            function onNotification(e) {
                $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>EVENT -> RECEIVED:' + e.event + '</li>');

                switch( e.event )
                    case 'registered':
                    if ( e.regid.length > 0 )
                        $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>REGISTERED -> REGID:' + e.regid + "</li>");
                        // Your GCM push server needs to know the regID before it can push to this device
                        // here is where you might want to send it the regID for later use.
                        console.log("regID = " + e.regid);

                    case 'message':
                        // if this flag is set, this notification happened while we were in the foreground.
                        // you might want to play a sound to get the user attention, throw up a dialog, etc.
                        if (e.foreground)
                            $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>--INLINE NOTIFICATION--' + '</li>');

                                // on Android soundname is outside the payload. 
                                    // On Amazon FireOS all custom attributes are contained within payload
                                    var soundfile = e.soundname || e.payload.sound;
                                    // if the notification contains a soundname, play it.
                                    // playing a sound also requires the plugin
                                    var my_media = new Media("/android_asset/www/"+ soundfile);

                        {   // otherwise we were launched because the user touched a notification in the notification tray.
                            if (e.coldstart)
                                $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>--COLDSTART NOTIFICATION--' + '</li>');
                            $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>--BACKGROUND NOTIFICATION--' + '</li>');

                        $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>MESSAGE -> MSG: ' + e.payload.message + '</li>');
                        //android only
                        $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>MESSAGE -> MSGCNT: ' + e.payload.msgcnt + '</li>');
                        //amazon-fireos only
                        $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>MESSAGE -> TIMESTAMP: ' + e.payload.timeStamp + '</li>');

                    case 'error':
                        $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>ERROR -> MSG:' + e.msg + '</li>');

                        $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>EVENT -> Unknown, an event was received and we do not know what it is</li>');

            function tokenHandler (result) {
                $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>token: '+ result +'</li>');
                // Your iOS push server needs to know the token before it can push to this device
                // here is where you might want to send it the token for later use.

            function successHandler (result) {
                $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>success:'+ result +'</li>');

            function errorHandler (error) {
                $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>error:'+ error +'</li>');

            document.addEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, true);

        <div id="home">
            <div id="app-status-div">
                <ul id="app-status-ul">
                    <li>Cordova PushNotification Plugin Demo</li>



source to share

3 answers

Found a solution for this myself. As it turned out, these two JS files:

 <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="cordova.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript" src="PushNotification.js"></script>


should have been moved to the HEAD section, not the BODY section. Then it works great!



Go to your plugins folder and check if you have a folder named cordova-plugin-device

. This plugin must be installed in your project. Therefore, if this folder is missing, you need to install it by opening a terminal and going to the root of your project to run the following command

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device


This should add the plugin.



Put your registration code in the DeviceReady function

var platform = null;
        document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
        function onDeviceReady() {
          platform = device.platform;
          $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>'+ platform +'</li>');
                pushNotification = window.plugins.pushNotification;
          $("#app-status-ul").append('<li>registering ' + device.platform + '</li>');
                if (device.platform == 'android' || device.platform == 'Android' ||
                        device.platform == 'amazon-fireos' ) {
        pushNotification.register(successHandler, errorHandler, {"senderID":"860557673192","ecb":"onNotification"});        // required!
                } else {
                    pushNotification.register(tokenHandler, errorHandler, {"badge":"true","sound":"true","alert":"true","ecb":"onNotificationAPN"});    // required!
                txt="There was an error on this page.\n\n"; 
                txt+="Error description: " + err.message + "\n\n"; 




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