How to use the Google Contacts API in Meteor?

I am using meteor to create a web page with a drop down list of google groups to select and after selecting it, google contacts will be displayed.

I am using POST to google API and am testing with accessToken from mongoDB but when I use this token after a while it expires. I have looked into the implementation of the authentication flow, but it gets very complicated as there is no sample code for meteorite on google. I am new to nodeJS, Javascript and Meteor. Am I wrong? How to implement this in a meteor?


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2 answers

To fix the accessToken expiration issue, you need to get the refreshToken from google. With this refreshToken, you can get a new accessToken when needed with a simple HTTP POST to the Google API. Here is the relevant documentation from Google. To get the refreshToken, you will need to request offline access, and a forced approval prompt may also be required as described in the SO post .

forceApprovalPrompt: {google: true},
requestOfflineToken: {google: true},


I recommend achieving all of the above using the Meteor HTTP package . All the tools are there. You probably already figured this out:

  var result =
      params: {
        'client_id': config.clientId,
        'client_secret': config.secret,
        'grant_type': 'refresh_token'

  //Do some error checking here

  var newAccessToken =;


  • refresh_token - refresh token returned from authorization code exchange.
  • client_id . Client ID obtained from Developer Console.
  • client_secret - client secret obtained from the Developer Console.
  • grant_type . As defined in the OAuth 2.0 specification, this field must contain the refresh_token value.
  • will be a JSON object with the following

    {"Access_token": "1 / fFBGRNJru1FQd44AzqT3Zg", "Expires_in": 3920, "Token_type": "Standard bearer",}



Have a look at this package for your little shell that will automatically update for you: here

I actually ended up creating my own auth thread for the oauth handler, because I needed to move away from the tokens associated with user profiles.



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