Scala pipelines - DSL to create a DAG workflow

I am wondering about the current libraries for Scala and Akka that would allow me to elegantly build a sequence pipeline.

In my case, the workflow is just a DAG of operations, so the Actors / Akka feel good.

My question is the best approach? There are Libs like reactive streams that allow for really nifty pipeline composition, but they seem to be very write-focused.

My use case is a workflow passing messages between them. The future composition is fine, but the syntax becomes cumbersome after a while. Maybe something better with storytelling and formless.

What are the approaches and tools to build DSL for pipelines of computation steps using message passing?


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2 answers

If your pipeline is very similar to method chaining, use method chaining!

There is no point in making the decision more difficult than necessary; if it's well modeled with method call chaining, just use that. (Or functions you can create.)

If you need something a little more complex, but you don't really need messaging, you might need something like AsyncFP or Scala.Rx .

If you need a multi-core solution, but have stretch lines that look like method calls, then there is a chaining of method calls inside one stop. You can use Akka streams for this without worrying about over-costing a useful computation factor.



While it's too early to develop (prior to version 1.0 from the time of writing), you should take a look at akka-streams which is exactly this way of describing a compute graph, and then run it asynchronously.



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