How to overwrite a folder using Clojure

I would like to re-copy the folder using clojure. An example of such a folder would be

├── a
├── b
│   ├── c
│   │   └── ccc.txt
│   └── bb.txt
├── c
├── a.txt
└── b.txt


Option 1: using an OS from Clojure

What works with zip

in Ubuntu is to execute the following at the root of this structure:

zip -r *


But you must be in the work registry to do this. Using absolute paths will give different results, but omid paths will still flatten the structure.

The problem is that you cannot change the working directory in Clojure, not what I know about it.

Option 2: using native Clojure (or Java)

It should be possible and I find some zip implementations in Clojure or Java wrappers. Most of them, however, are for individual files.

This might be a solution:

but before I try it, I would like to have a good Clojure library now or not.


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3 answers

How about this using clojure.core / file-seq

(require '[ :as io])
(import '[ ZipEntry ZipOutputStream])

(with-open [zip (ZipOutputStream. (io/output-stream ""))]
  (doseq [f (file-seq (io/file "/path/to/directory")) :when (.isFile f)]
    (.putNextEntry zip (ZipEntry. (.getPath f)))
    (io/copy f zip)
    (.closeEntry zip)))




Check out Nice little wrapper around using streams and a Simple Clojure zip-based compression library



Building on @ Kyle's answer:

(require '[ :as io])
(import '[ ZipEntry ZipOutputStream])

(defn zip-folder
  "p input path, z output zip"
  [p z]
  (with-open [zip (ZipOutputStream. (io/output-stream z))]
    (doseq [f (file-seq (io/file p)) :when (.isFile f)]
      (.putNextEntry zip (ZipEntry. (str/replace-first (.getPath f) p "") ))
      (io/copy f zip)
      (.closeEntry zip)))
  (io/file z))




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